Photo Lab, Prints and Film Developing in California since 1982
Train on Ocean Blvd 1929
McCarthy's Saloon 2nd & Pine 1888
Pike beauty pagent 1926
Signal Hill Oil Fire 1924
We have hundreds of historic photos from the Long Beach area, some dating back over 100 years. They are divided into categories to make it easy for you to find the images you want. Whether you want old photos for a restaurant wall, or for your personal use at home, we have some great images.
Click on the "ORDER PRINTS" button on this page. You will be taken to the gallery of categories. Select a category to display all the images in a large collage. Select an image you like and follow the instructions to select the print size, adjust size and cropping, and other options. You can select a gicl'ee archival pigment print on fine art luster paper, on premium canvas and stretched on 1½" thick stretcher bars, or a high gloss spectacular print on aluminum. We also offer mounting and framing. We can ship to you or you can pickup in our lab in Signal Hill.
Archival Prints: The finest quality gicl'ee archival pigment prints with a beautiful fine art luster surface finish. The black and white prints are true B&W without any color cast.
Stretched Canvas: The finished canvas is wrapped on 1½" thick stretcher bars, coated for UV protection and ready to hang.
Aluminum Prints: The ultimate in high gloss, high tech printing. These absolute stunning prints come complete with wall mounts on the back. The 16x20 and larger prints have an aluminum frame on the back, and the smaller prints have clear acrylic hangers on the back.
Some prints can be ordered larger than others because of the resolution of the original photo or the size of the scan. To help guide you, we have put the largest print size that we recommend in the image file name. You will see the file name in the upper left corner of the screen when you select an image in the collage. The print will look best if ordered at that size or smaller.
We can mount your print on 3/16" white foamcore or frame it in a variety of mouldings, mats and glass or acrylic. The most common choices are a thin black metal frame or a simple black wood frame of various widths. If you wish to add any of these options to your order, call or email us for a quote.
Phone 562-290-8469 Email:
We are continuing to add more historic images to this site. Check back again to see what is new, or old.
The Cyclone Racer at the Pike
8x10 | $25.00 | $60.00 | |
11x14 | $40.00 | $100.00 | |
12x36 | $60.00 | $150.00 | $170.00 |
16x20 | $60.00 | $150.00 | $170.00 |
20x24 | $90.00 | $200.00 | $250.00 |
20x30 | $120.00 | $225.0 | $295.00 |
20x72 | $250.00 | $450.00 | $500.00 |
24x30 | $150.00 | $250.00 | $350.00 |
24x36 | $175.00 | $300.00 | $425.00 |
30x40 | $200.00 | $400.00 | $550.00 |
36x48 | $275.00 | $500.00 | $800.00 |
40x60 | $350.00 | $650.00 | $1100.00 |
Signal Hill Gusher 1922
Ocean Blvd 1925
Beachgoers at the Villa Riviera